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A long wait..

June 29th, 2007

For all you people who love buying gadgets and are cannot wait to tear open the package of a new “toy” that you just bought for which you have been waiting for Years/Months/days. You know who you are!! The last three days have been the longest days when i was waiting for my D80 that i order online. After a (VERY) long wait in shopping, researching the product evaluating prorities i finally got my first Digital SLR a Nikon D80. I should thank my wife who has been extremely supportive during this time and encourgaed me to buy one.

I was always interested in photography. The first SLR was a Zenith 12 that my dad bought it when i was 10 years old. I used it until i was 14 when i lost if for good. Ever since the hunger for an SLR camera was present but life had to take its course until now. I started re-exploring my interest in photography since 2006. If you seen my previous postings i tried to be little bit creative with what i had on hand (Nikon Coolpix S4). I also started reading and learning more about the mechanics of taking a picture. Photography is both an Art and Science. One should not only have an artistic eye to look at a scene and imagine how it would look as a picture but also should have enough knowledge about how the machine, lens optics, lighting, etc would work to make it all happen. Photography is not about duplicating nature or duplicating what a human eye would see, but it is also about enchacing some of the aspects and highlighting some facts.

Thanks for stopping by my site and reading my posts. I plan to publish some of my experiements with the D80 soon(as soon as i get around the controls ๐Ÿ™‚ ). Keep checking..as i eagerly wait for the UPS guy to deliver my package.

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