
Posts Tagged ‘intro’

edstartup Introduction

August 29th, 2012 No comments

First off a big round of applause to the course facilitators, guest speaker, support team and all who are involved in this initiative. The focus these efforts bring to startup community in edtech is much needed. I ardently agree with Wiley’s comments about grant money, it is great as long as you have it. Once the funding dries out the effort stops. I had my share of working on grant projects and there is so much work that hasn’t seen the world outside the walls of the universities. It disturbs me to see my tax dollars going to waste, dont get me wrong research is great, papers are wonderful but i think the money invested can get you more.

That was my motivation behind joining edstartup to force me to think hard and (may be) collaborate with like minded people that i am looking forward meeting through this course.

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