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Trip to Kansas City

2007-07-16 to 2007-07-19
We drove to Kansas City,MO along with my mentor Dr. Hu to attend Workforce Innovation 2007. We were almost approaching Kansas City and i saw the sky changing its beautiful colors. I always loved to watch how many colors change in just those few minutes during dusk, finally now i get a chance to capture its beauty. In few minutes the sky would have just changed to just black.

Checked in and settled down for the night. After attending the first day of conference my wife and i headed over to County Club Plaza which was just a mile away. This plaza is basically a collection of about 150 shops and dozens of fine restaurants, what else could you ask for :). Here is a collection of some pictures taken there.

After getting to know about shutter speed from my previous shoot (fireworks) i started exploring ISO and WB in this shoot combining at different apertures. Ken Rockwell has been my motivator in capturing high saturation pictures, making colors jump.

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