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Do it yourself – WoW!! its so cool phrase. There are all sorts of stuff available in market which will make you “think” that you could do it. Yes i am saying this out of my own experience :). Me and my wife are not huge DIYers but now and then when we bump into a doable (according to us ;)) we will not hesitate to jump in and get dirty. My wife is my best team mate she gives great support and motivation and not to mention very skillful.

Our big success story is constructing a recreation room in our house. Right after 5 months we moved into our house we started working on finishing a part of the house that was unfinished. Got some help in putting up the dry wall but after that we both finished the rest of the house. These pictures tell the story.

Prasanti Painting Suresh Painter floor.jpg
The result of which was theater.jpg

Our next project is to create a ‘home made’ studio. We have been searching a lot for tips and tools to create a home studio, ofcourse we are on a shoe string budget. So the first things i was looking for were backdrops. One would think that is not hard to find, yes it was not hard to find but were in the range of $100-$300. Thank you very much!!

So finally we thought through and asked what do we need for a backdrop. As we deconstructed what a backdrop is made of we thought why can not we do it using some simple tie and dye basics. Walla!! thats it we got it. Now it is time to decide to choose fabric which was fairly easy. Muslin was the first thing that poped up because it is cheap, its heavy, can efficiently absorb dye, has character and is not glossy. Thats it next day on our way back to home after work we went to hobby store and bought 3 yards of 108″ wide white Muslin, a packet of fabric dye and a twine. Total expenditure $20.00. We plan to get our hands dirty doing this over weekend. Will post how it went

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